
Creation date: 2021/02/26
In the recent consulting industry, there seems to be a growing need for ``almighty consultants who have a well-balanced skill and knowledge in each specialized field.'' Freelance consultants will also be concerned about this movement in the consulting industry. We will explain the benefits of introducing an all-mighty consultant from the company's perspective. Furthermore, we will also explore career plans for freelance consultants aiming to become all-purpose consultants!
table of contents
■Background of the need for an almighty consultant
(1) What skills are required for an almighty consultant?
(2) Almighty skills are required for an ERP consultant
(3) Are recruitment consulting services also required to be compatible with technology?
■Almighty consultants serve as a bridge between diverse human resources
(1) There is a growing need for human resources who can become leaders of global projects
(2) Communication leads to project success
■Is it true that the benefits of introducing conventional consulting services are decreasing?
■What should I do to become an almighty type consultant?
Background of the need for almighty type consultants
Many of the large-scale projects handled by major consulting companies involve multiple companies, including those from overseas. Consulting companies find it advantageous to introduce and employ "almighty-type consultants" who have skills and experience in a wide range of fields in order to smoothly proceed with such large-scale projects.
オールマイティ型コンサルタントを導入するメリットが高い事例のひとつが、ERP(Enterprise Resources Planning)関連プロジェクトではないでしょうか。
・国内業務Transfer part of the business to emerging countries and other countries
and improve business processes at domestic and overseas bases
Projects that involve overseas countries tend to have complex challenges, as managers' ideas and management know-how differ from country to country . Therefore, skills and knowledge in a wide range of genres are required, not just in a specific field.
Also, communication skills are required not only with domestic members but also with overseas members with diverse backgrounds. In other words, it can be said that there are great benefits to using an all-mighty consultant even in such global projects. Major consulting firms, such as the aforementioned Accenture, seem to be stepping up their recruitment and training of all-purpose human resources in response to this increase in global projects.
(2) Communication leads to project success
It is said that the success of a project depends on whether or not you can communicate smoothly with your team members . According to a survey conducted by Nikkei Computer, the number one reason for project failure was ``insufficient requirements definition'' (*2).
It can be said that global projects have a broader scope of work and are more difficult to define requirements than typical domestic projects. In other words, globalization can be said to be a major factor leading to the introduction of omnipotent consulting.
Is it true that the benefits of introducing traditional consulting services are decreasing?
In the past, a popular job opportunity for MBA graduates in the United States was as a strategy consultant at a consulting firm. However, recently there is talk that the popularity of strategic consultants is declining .
The reason for this is that ``increasingly, talented people start their own businesses after earning an MBA, rather than working for companies such as consulting firms.'' This will increase the number of people running startup companies who have strategic consulting skills.
As a business owner, I also have management know-how, so there is little merit in bringing in an external consultant at a consulting company.
In fact, there is a movement within the consulting industry as a whole to shift from strategic consulting to digital-related consulting . This is the same situation in Japan. There is an increasing possibility that requests will continue to be made for consultants in digital fields such as DX promotion .
Strategic consultants who work for consulting companies have the advantage of being highly compensated, but it is not impossible that this digitalization trend will have an impact on the remuneration of strategic consultants and management consultants in the future. You may want to consider resetting your career plans.
For example, there may be an option to develop new digital-related skills such as the DX field and become an all-powerful person . In fact, regardless of industry, many consulting companies seem to be competing for all-purpose consultant talent.
Of course, experience in consulting work such as business improvement and management strategy, which was cultivated while working at a consulting company, is also important. However, from now on, in addition to these skills, digital and global skills will also be required. If you can add these skills, you may be able to expand your range of work as a freelancer and expect higher compensation.
What should I do to become an almighty type consultant?
These trends in the consulting industry will have a big impact not only on consulting companies but also on freelancers. If you are currently working as a freelance consultant, be aware of strengthening your weaknesses while maintaining your strengths .
In order to strengthen your weaknesses, it is of course important to have an attitude of studying in your own way. On the other hand, the consulting industry requires experience. I would like to experience as many different projects as possible and expand the scope of work that I can handle .
However, when you are looking for work as a freelancer, you often end up with similar projects. If you want to find a job that fits your career plan from a wider variety of options, you can also use an agent service.
The big advantage of agent services is that they handle a large number of cases and have a wide range of options. You may have more opportunities to participate in different projects while leveraging your own expertise.
As technology evolves at an accelerating pace and companies rapidly globalize, the challenges faced by managers are becoming more complex. Therefore, consulting companies have begun to focus on training almighty type consultants. The advantage of being an all-mighty type is that they not only have expertise in business processes and management strategies, but also have technical capabilities. Furthermore, they are expected to have a global perspective and play an active role as a bridge between diverse members both domestically and internationally.
In both the United States and Japan, the business consulting industry is currently seeing a rapid increase in projects in the digital field, such as DX promotion. In other words, we are now living in an era where IT skills are essential for all consultants.
In order to become an all-around consultant, which is in increasing demand, don't miss out on opportunities to acquire new skills and knowledge while maintaining your expertise.
(Mirai Works Co., Ltd. Freeconsultant.jp Editorial Department)
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